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Praktische Erfahrungen






Kimber Custom II .45 ACP


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Kimber Kurzwaffen 1911 Pistole

Calibers: .45 ACP


Full 5-inch barrel and steel frame.
Match grade frame, slide, barrel, bushing and chamber.
Custom features standard; extended thumb safety, high ride beavertail grip safety, beveled magazine well and slightly extended magazine release and slide release.
Kimber Tactical Rail? for accessory mounting available on some models.
Match grade barrel is machined from a single piece of solid steel for accuracy and long life.
Enlarged firing pin stop locks the extractor in position for absolute reliability.
Beveled magazine well on all pistols ensures quick magazine loading.
All Kimber pistols feature a polished breech face for flawless feeding and extraction.

Height (inches) 90° to barrel: 5.25
Weight (ounces) with empty magazine: 38
Length (inches): 8.7
Magazine capacity: 7
Recoil spring (pounds): 16


Material: Steel
Finish: Matte black oxide
Width (inches): 1.28

Material: Steel
Finish: Matte black oxide
Front serrations

Steel match grade
Length (inches): 5
Stainless steel match grade bushing
Twist rate (left hand): 16

Fixed low profile
Radius (inches): 6.8


Black synthetic


Aluminum match grade
Factory setting (approx. pounds): 4-5

Similar models available include:

Custom II/Night Sights, Meprolight Tritium 3-dot night sights.
Custom II/Walnut, hand-checkered double-diamond walnut grips.

About Custom II Family:

Until just a few years ago, the only way to get a 1911 pistol as good as the Kimber Custom was from a custom pistolsmith. Drop off a pistol, wait a few months and spend more than a few hundred dollars, hoping all the while that what you got back would look decent and actually work. Kimber changed all that, delivering a 1911 pistol with unequaled accuracy and dependability right out of the box, one costing less than what shooters had been paying for their custom work alone. More than anything else, the advent of the Kimber Custom ignited the 1911 popularity seen today. The Custom is now the Custom II, because like most Kimber 1911s it incorporates the Kimber Firing Pin Safety that makes each pistol more secure without impeding performance or altering trigger pull. It has also become a family, with twenty one models in five calibers. LAPD SWAT Team carries them. So do United States Marines, thousands of law enforcement officers and hundreds of thousands of American shooters who refuse to compromise with either a lesser pistol design or another brand. Today, the Kimber Custom sets the standard for all production 1911 pistols. Models are offered with fixed, adjustable or night sights. Some have the Kimber Tactical Rail? for accessory mounting. Many have slides and frames machined from stainless steel. Others are finished in traditional polished blue or the premium KimPro II? finish that is self-lubricating and shuts out the elements. Chamberings range from 9mm and the flat-shooting 38 Super to powerhouses like .40 and 10mm. Naturally, most are chambered in the cartridge the 1911 was designed to fire, the great .45 ACP. As with all Kimber pistols, standard features set Customs apart from other brands. Barrels, barrel bushings, chambers and triggers are all machined to match grade dimensions. Ejection ports are lowered and flared. Sights are mounted in dovetails machined into the slide. Thumb safeties are extended. Highride beavertail grip safeties also have a memory bump.
Kimber Customs are made the right way and from start to finish in the Kimber factory here in America. There is no other way to ensure such a high level of quality.

About manufacturer:

Kimber builds the finest 1911 pistols in the world. A bold statement, maybe, but backed by the actions of the best law enforcement units, military forces and competition shooters. Legendary LAPD SWAT tested five major 1911 brands and chose Kimber. United States Marines assigned to Special Operations Command carry Kimber. The U.S.A. Shooting Team trains for rapid fire Olympic competition with Kimber. On the strength of unequaled quality, Kimber sells more pistols into the growing 1911 market than any other manufacturer. Predictably, every year another gun company that specializes in something else trots out a 1911 with hopes of grabbing market share. While none of these pistols matches Kimber in quality or features - and many cost more - they do a great job of confusing things. Follow the lead of the experts. Don?t settle for anything less than the best. Trust your next shot to Kimber. Every Kimber 1911 pistol is made in a state-of-the-art American factory from the finest raw materials and with manufacturing tolerances up to three times as tight as the competition. Over 200 inspections are performed during the manufacturing process by both people and specialized machines. When completed, every pistol must pass a comprehensive safety inspection that includes test firing to ensure all quality standards have been met. Unlike other manufacturers, Kimber does not purchase from 1911 parts houses. After all, the only way to do things right is to do them yourself. Over the years, the Kimber 1911 line has grown to include 70 models in a wide variety of sizes and calibers. Some are intended for specific uses like concealed carry or competition, while others do just about everything. Some are more traditional 1911s and many are loaded with special features and built by hand in the Custom Shop. Kimber 1911 pistols are topped with premium fixed, adjustable or night sights securely mounted in machined dovetails. Unequaled quality and dependability made Kimber number one. Others make claims, copy and compare - even want you to believe they make pistols in America. Let them take their best shot at number one. Just make sure you take your best shot with a Kimber. Custom features like high ride beavertail grip safety, extended thumb safety and Commander-style hammer are part of every Kimber. The Ultra CDP II .45 ACP is short, light and absolutely dependable. It is the finest full-power concealed carry pistol available today. Kimber 1911 barrels are carefully machined with match grade dimensions to ensure accuracy, and they are also one piece for superior strength. Barrel bushings on centerfires are also match grade, and all are machined from stainless steel blanks. Chambers are cut to exacting match grade dimensions and then carefully finished for flawless feeding and extraction. Ejection ports are lowered and flared so ejecting brass clears easily. Everything is done inside the Kimber factory. Kimber pistols have factory tuned match grade trigger groups that break crisp and clean. Slide and magazine releases are slightly extended for quick location and easy operation. Frame has a high kidney cut for best grip position.

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Praktische Erfahrungen

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